Sunday, April 14, 2013

Taking Action - Reinhard Bonnke

Title : Taking Action - Receiving and opreating in the gifts and power of the Holy Spirit

Author: Reinhard Bonnke


God uses manpower.
We need God's power.
God works when we work.

Millions of people all over the world have been introduced to Jesus through the ministry of Reinhard Bonnke. In Taking Action he describes how we too can be an extension of God's love to the world by partnering with the Holy Spirit.

With a firsthand account of the mighty manifestations of God at work today, Bonnke takes a careful look at what Scripture teaches about the anointing and gifts of the Holy Spirit in general and then explains each of the specific gifts listed by the apostle Paul.

Jesus lived, worked, and prayed in the power of the Holy Spirit. In the Gospel of John He says, "He who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also." With this same anointing, we can live this way as well.

Evangelist Dr. Reinhard Bonnke is known for his Great Gospel Crusades throughout the continent of Africa. The son of a pastor, Reinhard gave his life to the Lord at age nine, and heard the call to the African mission field before he was even a teenager. After attending Bible College in Wales, he became a pastor in Germany for seven years and then went on to start mission work in Africa. It was there, in the small mountain kingdom of Lesotho, that God placed upon his heart the vision of 'the continent of Africa, washed in the precious Blood of Jesus' - an entire continent, from Cape Town to Cairo and from Dakar to Djibouti that needed to be reached and to hear the proclamation of the signs-following Gospel.

Price: RM45.00 (incl. Shipping)
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