Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Unguide To Dating - Camerin Courtney & Todd Hertz

Title : The Unguide to Dating - A he said she said on relationships

Author: Camerin Courtney & Todd Hertz


Forty percent of the U.S. adult population is single. And the majority of those singles feel pressured

to find ''the one.'' But dating as an adult is not easy, especially in a culture that targets people

under the age of twenty and seemingly ignores everyone else. Drawing from their own dating experiences

and from their work with prominent Christian media outlets, including, Camerin

Courtney and Todd Hertz offer their thoughts and bewilderments on adult dating relationships--not just

to discuss the declining ''state of the date'' but to give hope and help to adult singles. With insight

on everything from meeting someone after college to the much-talked-about issue of sex, their he

said/she said style pairs a little bit of vulnerability with a lot of conversation to help singles

navigate the pressures, trends, and temptations of dating as an adult.

Price: RM 30.00 (incl. Shipping)

Stock Availability : 1

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